Sunday, July 03, 2005

MahaMahler - what the hell?

Why the name?
"Mahler" is a German word that means "painter".
"Mahler" is also the name of a famous Romantic period composer/conductor, Gustav Mahler.
I am a painter.
"Maha" means "Great" or "large" in Sanskrit.
Together this word means "great painter".
I think I am a great painter.
I am also a serious musician.

I do art, but not art separated from real life. We are a part of all that we create.
So, in the meantime, this is my blog. I'll be talking about all kinds of things. I may or may not end up writing the Great American Novel as a result of this whim.

My website is down. I was making and selling jewelry but it didn't survive. Oh well.